


The Domino Effect

Domino is a word that describes a chain reaction in which one event sets off other events, like dominoes falling over each other. A good example of the Domino Effect is someone making a change to their lifestyle, such as cutting back on sedentary activities, which can then lead to a shift in other habits. For example, a person who cuts back on watching TV may also start eating healthier food as a side effect.

A domino is a game piece with an arrangement of spots on its face. Dominoes are cousins to playing cards and are one of the oldest tools for game play. They can be used to play a wide variety of games, including scoring and blocking games. Some of these games use the same rules as card games, while others require more skill and patience.

To win a domino game, a player must empty his hand and block opponents’ play. Normally, players do this by choosing dominoes from their boneyard that have matching numbers to the ones already played on the table. Once the player has done this, he must play that domino, usually by placing it so that its exposed ends touch other adjacent dominoes that have a number showing on them (one’s touching two’s and two’s touching three’s). Often, the points are awarded based on the number of dots exposed on each end of the laying domino.

Another way to play domino is by choosing a specific total to be reached. The first player to reach that total wins the game. A player can score by laying dominoes edge to edge, so that the exposed numbers match (one’s touching two’s and so on). Some players also place doubles at right angles to each other, in which case only the exposing edges count (one’s and two’s for example).

Dominoes are sometimes used to create art. For example, artists can draw a plan for their work and then use different colored dominoes to make it look 3D. This is a great way to show how a story works out and how it might end. This is something that many people do when they are writing their books, as it helps them keep track of the plot points and shows them how each part of the story relates to the next.

Whether you compose your novel off the cuff or take your time planning it out, it’s important to think about the Domino Effect. Plotting a novel is all about what happens next, and thinking about how your characters react to each other will help you develop a compelling narrative.