


Domino’s Pizza and Plotting

Domino is a board game that has been around for over 2,000 years. Players set up dominoes in a straight or curved line, flick them, and watch as the entire line falls, one domino after another. Whether in a bustling city square or a quiet village home, the game has become a unifying force across cultures, transcending linguistic and geographic boundaries. Its universal appeal is a testament to humankind’s innate desire for connection and companionship.

The word “domino” has several meanings, but the most common one is a set of matching playing tiles. Each domino has a distinctive pattern of dots or pips on one side, and is blank or identically patterned on the other. The identity-bearing side of the domino is called its pips or “noddy.” Each digit represents one of the possible outcomes of a roll of two six-sided dice. A domino with all pips showing is said to be “all-matched.”

There are many different games that can be played with dominoes. The simplest is Block, for two players. The basic game requires a double-six set, from which each player draws seven tiles to start the line of play. The players alternately extend the line by placing a tile on the table that matches an open end of the existing chain.

Domino’s Pizza was founded in 1960 by Tom Monaghan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He wanted to create a business that would provide employment opportunities in his hometown. During his childhood, he lived in foster homes after his mother’s death and he worked in some odd jobs. He grew up to own a number of businesses, including a Domino’s franchise and an automotive dealership.

When it comes to writing novels, plotting can be compared to the process of creating a domino effect. Regardless of whether you’re a pantser, who doesn’t make detailed outlines, or a plotter, who does make an outline before writing, all writers must consider what happens next in their story. If a scene in a novel isn’t building up suspense or illuminating a character’s motivations, it is not advancing the plot in any meaningful way.

In order to avoid this, you should consider the domino effect in each of your scenes. A domino effect is a cascade of events that can be triggered by one event and have a strong impact on what happens later in the story.

As you work through the process of writing your novel, you can use the concept of the domino effect to help you build a strong narrative structure. Whether your story is a thriller, a mystery, a romance, or a fantasy, this method will ensure that the scenes in your book are well-connected and will naturally lead to the final conflict of the book.

In her book, “Domino Effect,” author Lily Hevesh explains that the best way to understand this concept is by comparing it to a domino effect. She describes how she starts each project by considering the theme or purpose, brainstorming images or words, and then determining how she will arrange her dominoes to fit that purpose. Then, she weighs the entire stack of dominoes and divides that total weight by the weight of a single domino to determine how many she needs.